How to Take Your Phone Paddle Boarding

How to Take Your Phone Paddle Boarding 2

Water and smartphones do not mix well. It doesn’t take a lot of water to ruin that expensive cell phone. Still there are some good reasons to take your phone paddle boarding. And there are ways to protect your phone from the water that are easy and effective.

I always bring my cell phone when paddle boarding for safety/emergency reasons. I will also use an exercise timer app on my phone for fitness interval training. I never use my phone for photographs, instead I prefer a GoPro to document my sup tours.

Reasons to take your phone paddle boarding

  • Take photos/videos
  • Use an exercise timer/app
  • Use a navigation app
  • Safety/Emergency use

The Best Protection

For the best protection your smartphone should be in a waterproof phone case and inside a dry bag. I go a step further and put my cell phone case inside a ziplock slider bag and then inside a dry bag.

For the best protection your smartphone should be in a waterproof phone case and inside a dry bag.

Every Paddler Needs a Dry Bag

Every paddle boarder should have a dry bag. You will need a small dry bag to carry money/credit card, car keys, GoPro equipment, snacks, water, sunglasses, a hat or extra top.

Waterproof phone case

paddle boarding waterproof smartphone case
clear panels on the front and back

If you are taking your phone on the water you need a waterproof phone case. These waterproof cases have clear plastic on both sides. They allow you to make and take phone calls and even take photographs while the phone is protected inside the case.

A waterproof phone case will have a lanyard so you can attach your phone to a life jacket.

Waterproof phone case on Amazon

Dry bags on Amazon

Buying Tips

  • Some of these waterproof cases are very small. Make sure you phone will fit inside the case.
  • Many dry bags will come with a free waterproof phone case!
  • Dry bags come in different sizes. For a paddle boarding “grab bag” a 10 liter dry bag will allow you to carry your phone and extra small gear you may need.
  • You may prefer a smaller 5 liter dry bag which will allow you to carry your phone, car keys, money and sunglasses but not much else.
  • Dry bags come in different colors. I like a clear dry bag that allows me to see the contents.

Testing your waterproof phone case

It’s important you test your waterproof phone case before you use it. It’s not uncommon for these cases to leak (I have had one that leaked myself) so don’t skip this step. You should be able to get a free replacement if your case is not waterproof.

To test your waterproof phone case

  1. Put tissue paper inside the phone case
  2. Fill a sink with water
  3. Submerge the phone case
  4. You will need some weight to keep it underwater (a glass full of water works)
  5. Keep case submerged for 1-2 hours

Always test your waterproof phone case before you use it.


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